Learning and Wellbeing
Integrating wellbeing in everything we do
As part of our school-wide improvement efforts, one area we are focussed on improving is the integration of wellbeing into the daily rhythms of our classrooms. Healthy, happy children learn better and children who are being challenged with engaging curriculum are healthy, happier learners. Wellbeing and learning are inextricably linked. This week teachers learned how to integrate wellbeing toolkit strategies into read-alouds. We also continued to embed Zones of Regulation at our school. Across the school, we've been teaching students how to identify the different feelings they feel with Zones of Regulation language. You may want to include the language below at home and discuss strategies your child may want to use when they are in the blue zone, yellow zone, or red zone to get back into the green zone for learning.

If you have any concerns for your child's wellbeing, please reach out to your classroom teacher. We also have additional supports with our Wellbeing Officer, Dr Meg Wilson, our leading teacher Wellbeing and Inclusion, Shaye Bradbury, and our Assistant Principal support with Debbie McDermott and Liam Wood. No worry is too small- please reach out.

Voice, agency, events and school spirit
French Day
To celebrate our love of the French language and culture, GIPS students dressed up in French inspired clothing, enjoyed French music, and played French games. Throughout the day on Tuesday, grades were entertained by a visiting mime!
As part of our improvement efforts to increase our SALT leadership teams' voice and agency, our promotions team helped plan the event and here Mrs McDermott is pictured supporting their voice and agency as they discussed ways to promote the event.

Grade Three Police Visit
Last week, our Grade 3 students had a visit from Senior Constable Sonia de Filippis to complete their focus on Rules and Laws. Senior Constable de Filippis talked to students about laws that she helps enforce in our community and discussed the reasons why we have rules and laws. She even let us listen to a snippet of her police radio. We loved asking lots of questions about rules and laws and had a great time during her visit!

A Vision for GIPS
One of my goals as Principal this year is to collaboratively develop a school vision: something that is memorable, aspirational, and inspiring. First, our School Improvement Team collaboratively explored words that we really want in our vision. Then, we did the same thing as a staff. Next, led by our Student Action Leadership Team, Miss Hill met with a focus group to hear from students: what words do they want most in our vision that captures what makes us special. Our SALT Voice and Agency team chose students from grades 2-6 to be a part of the focus group so we could listen to our students' voices school-wide. It was exciting to see words like safe and inclusivity and belonging showing up across their brainstorms. We hope to bring a similar activity to our families soon to get your feedback.

Picture Day
Picture day was a huge success!