In our classrooms
Happy Mother's Day
The Art room has been filled with love and gratitude as all the students have worked with enthusiasm on special gifts of thanks to mums, aunts, grandmas, and carers. Students have been painting, weaving, sewing, cutting, and gluing to create a special gift to take home. Thank you to all the students for their dedication and care on creating such special pieces. To all the recipients, enjoy! Please see the slideshow above for some of the work going home this weekend. Happy Mother's Day to our community. We wish all of our mother's and special carers a warm weekend.

During STEM this term, our prep, year 1 and 2 students have been busily designing and creating their very own ‘Magnificent Vehicle’, that carries a message of gratitude to a special person. Students have taken inspiration from the picture story book, ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’ by Ashley Spires and have demonstrated skills in creative thinking and problem solving. In grade 4, pictured above, students were investigating how to build towers with marshmallows and spaghetti in their grade 4 classrooms.

This term, Grade 3 students are learning about the different states of matter – solids, liquids and gases. They combined baking soda with vinegar to create carbon dioxide and caught the gas in a balloon!

We embed the Big Ideas of Mathematics into our numeracy instruction. Here the grade two students are investigating capacity using informal units in the sandpit.

House Cross Country
Well done to all of our grade 3-6 students who participated in this year's House Cross Country. Thank you to our House Captain student leaders, our family volunteers, and Miss Kidd who organised the event.
In our art room
Year 4 students have studied the artwork of Australian artist Del Kathryn Barton, primarily her Archibald winning portraits; “You are what is most beautiful about me, a self-portrait with Kell and Arella” 2008 and “Hugo” 2013.
The students created their own self-portrait in the style of Barton using watercolour paints to create not only their likeness but references to what they are interested in. They also used fineliner pens to create detail and pattern, in the style of Barton’s work. They are very impressive portraits that you can see on display around the school! Well done, Year 4!
In our staffroom
Last week classrooms across the school were visited by author and writing guru, Lisa Keskinen. Students enjoyed the humour and enthusiasm Lisa brought to Writer’s Workshop sessions and staff furthered their learning by observing demonstration lessons and taking part in a professional development workshop. Lisa is a popular visitor at GIPS and will return in Term 3 to continue working alongside staff with a focus on challenge and support for students at all levels in writing.
In our community
Make and Bake
We had a wonderful time last Friday eating up some yummy treats. To whomever made the chocolate, chocolate chip cookies- that's what I got, and I loved them! As a community, we raised a total of $2879.80 which will go towards iPads and readers. Thank you to Nadia and our School Council who helped organise and lead the event.
Mother's Day Lunch
Today marked our first ever Mother's Day lunch where over 60 members of our community came together to connect. We want to thank Georgie and our School Council who helped organise and lead the event. We are looking forward to share more details about this event in our next newsletter.

Open Day
Monday is Open Day at Glen Iris Primary. We will be leading two tours, so if you know of anyone who may be interested in attending please spread the word, or if you have a pre-schooler yourself who would like to attend as part of their Prep transition, please contact our front office at 9885 3624 to book into one of the two tours.

Information Evening
We are holding an Information Evening on Tuesday evening for all prospective families and their children. Join me, the Prep Team, and two parents as we discuss what makes GIPS unique. All are welcome, and bookings are essential. Please contact our front office team to book.

Thank you to Krista and Miss Patterson who have been leading Story Time at GIPS. There are still some sessions available for any of our families who have preschool aged children. Please book via our front office or via our website.

Michael Carr-Gregg
Tickets are selling fast to our Dr Michael Carr-Gregg event. We have now opened the bookings to our local community. Please share with friends and family who may be interested in attending.

Working Bee May 26 10-1 pm
Our next working bee is coming up to help make our grounds beautiful for our GIPS children. Join our school council with some light work. Children are welcome and sign-ups can be found via the QR code below.